Bukber; A Joy of Ramadhan

Assalamu'alaykum, Guysss ~ (with triple S)

Retno is back, come home late again because of Bukber. See, OMG a week full of bukber. Bukber is stand for Buka Bersama. Means, break fasting together with your friends, family, relatives, etc. Even if you take iftaar just two with your friend, we can still call it Bukber; like I always do with Suci. ^_^

Last week with SucAE @ Bebek Dower, Pejaten Village.
Kita nggak makan sebanyak itu kok, piringnya aja yang kelihatan banyak.
Bukber usually held at the restaurant. We ate the dish, and then prayed maghrib. But I usually pray maghrib first, then looking for a restaurant. So eating can be more khusyuk. LOL.

After that, we chat, say hi, ask about each other, taking a picture together, then go home. That's all. It's such one of the blessings in Ramadan to keep the ukhuwah. We can do reunion also with friends of elementary, junior high, high school, college friends, and even just hanging out with co-workers.

@ Orphan House with co-workers
Yeah... in office, waiting for iftaar.

in the middle of the crowd, with junior high friends ~

close-up with Aisyah.
Canggih banget ini aplikasi filter fotonya. :p

With junior high friends, Session 2.

Trio Omo IT @ Andakar

Farewell kakak Billal, one of the Rantang Cinta team member.

Last friday bukber in Mushola Aldevco.
Actually I hate picture with plates, foods, glasses and anything.. looks wasteful, go on the spree and something like that lah.

I've seen bukber in middle eastern countries carried out in the mosque. That's great. Perhaps bukber with people they do not know. It was nice to build new relations. In Indonesia itself, some people also break their fast in the masjid, we usually call them PPT (Para Pencari Ta'jil) alias Ta'jil hunter. Hhaha... I do not know if bukber a la Indonesia also implemented in other countries?

And last but not least...
Alhamdulillah for these events, do not let bukber makes us neglect in sholat.
Keep sholat on time ;)


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